Saturday, June 26, 2004

Lecture Notes: 06-26-2004

Lecture Notes: 06-26-04

Bill O’Reilly, Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, David Gold all have made comment recently about the “liberal Bay Area.” Partly these comments are simply promotion of their radio programs. But mainly they, like so many, actually believe that the San Francisco Bay Area is “liberal.”

They are mistaken.

Possibly post liberal might do. For example, the homeless on the streets of Berkeley and San Francisco are often mentioned as evidence of the Bay Area’s liberalism: ‘See how tolerant they are here.’

Tolerant? Why not ask, ‘If they are so tolerant why are these homeless on the streets?’

Where are the worker dormitories? Where are the apartments and condos; houses? Liberal California emptied the mental hospitals with the false claim that ‘community based sanctuaries’ would be built. Liars! And some of us pointed this out at the time. The same communities that sent these people to the mental hospitals are now going to provide sanctuaries? All lies.

But please do not tell me that they are liberal.

The homeless are on the streets not because of liberal Bay Area tolerance but because tourists from Lake Woebegone, from Anytown USA, give out their tourist dollars. San Francisco’s Tourist Board has put up signs, ‘Please do not feed the animals,’ but they do, it makes the tourist feel so ‘good.’ Good karma man.

The County of San Francisco has down zoned five times in the last thirty years. Senator Feinstein, first as Supervisor then as Mayor, reduced density and lowered the building height limit, even as she privately bought every multi story building for which she could arrange financing. In response to her abuse of government power, the state passed a law in Sacramento to prevent public officials from voting on zoning issues when they are also owners of property in their jurisdiction; her conduct was that notorious.

No, these homeless are begging on the streets of Oakland, Berkeley, San Francisco, not because the Bay Area is so liberal but because it is so illiberal.

The rich of Marin, Santa Clara, San Francisco can be seen any day of the week picking up little brown men off the streets to mow their lawns, pave their driveways, remodel their homes, and they can be seen dumping them back on the streets any evening. (Senator Boxer did this.) They use them for a day or a week and then dump them back to us.

Worker dormitories? What will you be asking for next? Schools? Hospitals? Next thing you know you will want homes.

The illegals are illegal just because the rich of the Bay Area do not want the liability. They do not want to be responsible for any bills, any obligations. No, please, no schools. No homes. No families.

This is why they want their housekeepers and nannies from Guatemala and Costa Rica. For a much lower price they can get a kind, warm, decent woman to look after their child and home. For the same price the American woman would be a drug addict with an I. Q. of 70 that has been raised on American TV and movies. A nightmare not a nanny. They have so corrupted their own culture they have to import their nannies and house keepers.

Liberal? Wake up. What you are seeing here in California will be coming to your town tomorrow.

Of course it does not make any sense to bring in immigrants while at the same time you restrict the construction of housing and drive away businesses; of course not: unless you are corrupt.

It makes no sense to allow your schools to deteriorate, to fall from the best in the nation only twenty years ago, to among the worst today, just at a time when you are bringing in hundreds of thousands of new residents.

The post liberal Bay Area knows that they have created a corrupt culture. They have driven the average priced home up out of the reach of the average wage earner. Only a small percentage of the residents can afford the home in which they now live. Industry has been driven out of the state.

The local Bay Area companies are getting out. Bechtel is gone. Levi has self destructed: their San Francisco image of the drug addict as fashion model, the wasted look, did not sell in Anytown USA. The Gap, (from Tibetan theology don’t you know), had a similar problem, it also experienced a sudden down turn in sales trying to sell the heroin addict look.

Genentec recently completed a study which proved that its location in the Bay Area is putting it at a competitive disadvantage with its competitors. It must pay a hundred thousand more dollars per scientist to overcome reluctance to move into the Bay Area. The computer tech companies of the South Bay have the same problem and are leaving.

This is why the illiberal Bay Area needs its illegals --- they at least can not vote; they have fewer choices. If the illegal aliens could vote they would repeal the housing bans the liberal Democrats have established. They would encourage business.

So the illiberal Bay Area replaces the American middle class with the illegals.

A corrupt, degenerate, upper class. Yes. But please do not call it the liberal Bay Area.


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