Michael Weiner Holocaust Denier. New Ruskin College 7-10-04
Lecture Notes: 07-10-2004
Michael Weiner Holocaust Denier.
Yesterday, speaking in response to the Lecture Notes of 07-08-04, (the Notes of the 9th having not yet been posted), Weiner sought to defend his conduct by using the deaths of Jewish children as his justification and excuse. . . .
For it can be seen that in order to establish his justification, his excuse, Michael Weiner would use the deaths of all the victims, men, women, and children, like toilet paper to wipe away the stains of his own misdeeds. How can anyone in his right mind think to justify Michael Weiner’s misconduct with the machine gunning of Blooma and Ruth, who were killed by the 101st Order Battalion in Poland? Michael Weiner’s insanity may be the excuse, in some sense, but legally, morally we hold him accountable for his words, and should temper only his punishment not our judgment.
. . . continued at www.NewRuskinCollege.com