Sunday, July 04, 2004

‘I only did this much.’ Lecture Notes: 07-04-04 New Ruskin College

Lecture Notes: 07-04-04 ‘I only did this much.’

Do you suppose that our elite has just one way to destroy a man? I testify that they have many sticks in their bundle. For example, they had the IRS. (see The IRS and the illegals from the North at the Moynihan Library at But do not think that it was just this. Do you suppose it is just one thing that destroys a man? It was not just that Yvonne betrayed her client. Not just Marlene. Not just that my sister chose to let our parents go to their graves in ignorance of the truth. (That my brother kept the few dollars our father left me, is an irrelevance.) That Sedge Thompson and his guest David Steindl-Rast lied and used their position to deceive 12 years ago, by itself, is of no importance. It is the tide of wrongs that destroys. Michael Weiner is by himself a fool, a nonentity, utterly without importance. It was just one burglary. But even ants can, in combination, devour a man. Michael Krasney, Don Imus, Ron Owens, Mrs. Jack Swanson, Brian Wilson, etc., etc. each take their kick, and it is the accumulation of their kicks over decades that destroys and brings to ruin. And each says, ‘I only did this much.’


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