Saturday, March 19, 2005

Landmines of the Heart? @ New Ruskin College

Lecture Notes: 03-04-05 Landmines of Injustice?

I have been waiting for Don Imus’ jokes about Federal Judges finding their families in a pool of blood. So far nothing. McGurk must still be working on the jokes.

Bill O’Reilly said he for one was not going to answer his critics, saying they are . . . they are . . . (dust?) --- no, “lint.” See? Lint not dust. His answer to Lecture Notes 02-15-05, where I realized that the reason no one saw the connection between Jordan, (formerly of CNN), and Gardner and me is because Gardner and I are not human beings. In your eyes we are dust.

Mrs. Jack Swanson has not had any jokes about dead family members of Federal Judges either. But she has explained how she showed her breasts to a passing sightseeing boat as it past by. You see she can not be embarrassed: a whore and proud of it. Jack Swanson must be so proud; what an eye for talent.

Don Imus has found a new fixation for his obsessive compulsion disorder thanks to his wife. Deidre, who previously has been on the radio show describing her problems with nannies, today was his guest to discuss vaccines. [Link: The weight of currently available scientific evidence does not support the hypothesis that vaccines cause autism. The CDC is committed to maintaining the safest, most effective vaccine supply in history.]

Deidre is not a graduate of any medical school. No degrees in chemistry or biology. Her pretensions to mastery of this subject rest solely on her being Mrs. Don Imus. Other than the previous on air discussions with her husband, about her problems with the nannies, her last on air success was her legendary put down of a female clerk in the motor vehicle department. She said, You thought that outfit looked good this morning when you picked it out did you? (Sarc I or is that SarcII?)[Link: Health Central]

Don Imus chortled over that line for weeks, (obsessive), You thought that outfit looked good . . .? Oh, what a clever wife he has. Funny! [Link: CDC IOM Reort]

Of course the line must be delivered with that nasally New York honk of Deidre's. Such a smart fresh. . .bitch. She knows how to put down a clerk in the department of motor vehicles. So smart. [Link: Another publication has strengthened the assertion that there is no link between autism and the administration of MMR vaccines. W.H.O.]

Now, to day, she uses her husbands radio program to misinform the public about autism. Many gullible parents dealing with the problem of an autistic child will now have their troubles compounded with the Imus disinformation program.[Health Central]

Deidre and Don Imus have previously played on the fears of parents about Sudden Infant Death Syndrome and have repeatedly claimed that the parents of children suffering from cancer have caused their childrens cancers because of the household cleansers they use. Its in the air, Deidre explains. Now Don and Deidre Imus have a new racket. Never mind that the CDC, National Institutes of Health, American Academy of Pediatrics, every study which has examined the claim that mercury in childhood vaccines causes autism, have rejected the claim. (AAP)

Even on the very day Mrs. Don Imus was given her husbands microphone to spread these malicious lies a Japanese study again showed no link between autism and vaccines. (Don Imus repeatedly denied that there have been any studies using vaccines without the preservative that he and his deranged wife have fixated upon. (Mark down another lie for Don Imus.)) [Times]

Today Mrs. Don Imus informed us that the mercury in fish was not only causing autism but now she has added Alzheimers. Mrs. Don repeatedly refer to Dr. Wakefield as if his 1980s claims were current and not contrary to the best scientific research over the last 25 years. (Health Central)

Don and Mrs. Don, a pair of neurotics with a radio microphone, take advantage of the fears of misinformed parents, broadcasting an unsupported scare campaign of the most vicious lies, and there is no one to stand up to them. Mass media elites. (see Fascism in Daily Life at the Moynihan) (UK)

But who can be surprised? Who now can claim not to know that Don and Mrs. Don Imus have no respect for the truth?

This is the deranged couple who threw their 23rd nanny out in the desert at four in the morning after waking her up and shouting at her at midnight, and again at one and two, and then went on the radio and called her a “terrorist” because she had A POCKET KNIFE!

And no one cares. Not about the nanny. Not about the truth. Not about the science.

And not even about the Federal Judge’s husband and mother found shot to death, in a pool of blood, in the basement of their home.

I do not understand how you go on with your lives?

On what basis do you object to the murder of the Judge’s family? Because it is wrong?

If you deny truth how can you demand justice?

Don Imus used his influence in 2003, ( that was eleven years after I had stopped writing letters to the Senate), to harasse and oppress me. And many of you knew about it even then.

Many of you know about it now. In 2001 and 2002 when Mrs. Jack Swanson used her influence with the millionaire owners of CENCAL many of you knew about that too.

And since then many more have come to know about what was done to me.

“I have heard what you do to some of your listeners.’ --- Senator Hatch on the Don Imus radio show

And you know about the lies Mrs. Don Imus is telling about vaccines and autism. Know and do nothing.

If God is the Good, Truth, then to lie is to deny God. And if you deny God how can you ever demand justice?

Do you think truth is divisible? But if a man were to take a hammer and bring it down on little Wyatt’s skull as he walks across the sidewalk from his school to his limousine, and killed him, and left him there, on the sidewalk, in a pool of blood, . . . on what basis, . . . by what god would you demand justice?

Deidre? Do you not think Bill O’Reilly would cluck “words have consequences,” to your grief? Do you suppose that those who supported you in your lies would support you in your grief? All the spectators who have watched the spectacle of my life being destroyed by Michael Weiner, Don Imus, Mrs. Jack Swanson, all the rest, they will gape at your grief too. At ABC’s station KGO they laughed at the theft of my notebook, and at Michael Weiner’s reading from that notebook. Do you not think they will laugh at your suffering too? Can’t you see that?

I do not understand how you go on with your lives?

If you deny truth how can you demand justice?

Landmines of the Heart? This is the new excuse? We did not know what we did was wrong because we did not see your heart would be injured? As if the heart were secret, hidden, the way a landmine is hidden? But this is just backward isn’t it? The heart you injured was not hidden, it was in plain sight. What was hidden? Your lies! You hid your lies.

When I first learned of the betrayal I immediately told Yvonne. I was not secret.

But the betrayal, that was hidden wasn’t it? And even now, all these years later we still have the lies? And why are you still lying? Because you know it was wrong.

The knowledge of the wrong came to you, and in your shame you hid it with a lie. Covered it over the way a landmine is covered over. You denied the truth, God.

So how now do any of you claim justice?

On 9-11, how do you demand justice, if you deny God?

And when the bio-attack comes . . . how will you demand justice then?

You who have lied, and lied sometimes for no reason, how will you ever demand justice?

I would be well within my rights to rejoice at your suffering, but your lies are themselves a sign and evidence of your suffering.

Don Imus and Mrs. Don Imus can not help themselves. They must spew this misinformation and scare the thoughtless parents about autism, or about how they gave their children cancer because they used cleansers with bleach in them, because this is their degeneracy. They are not contriving to be liars to harm others, it is that they are liars, or rather, neurotics who are so lost they can not find there way back to the truth, God. (Oh, and do not think for a moment that Don Imus or that deranged wife of his will take responsibility for all the children their misinformation campaign will harm. Don Imus is irresponsible. A rich irresponsible degenerate, with a deranged wife. (Not a pretty picture.))

Let us have no more of Landmines of the Heart. The Heart is not hidden. But your lies are hidden.

You know you have done wrong and you seek to hide it, from man and God.

You can never demand justice again.


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