Friday, August 19, 2005

Ugly American at New Ruskin College

Lecture Notes: 08-19-05

The Ugly American

Senator McCain, (McCain see 4-28-05, Lecture Notes: 5-18-05, Lecture Notes: 07-18-05 Protest, Lecture Notes: 07-21-05), was on the television, (of course), explaining that America’s involvement in Iraq will not be complete, a “success”, until he can land at Baghdad airport and drive to the city center in a “ordinary car, you know not armored.”

In other words Americans will just have to go on dying until we remake Baghdad into Phoenix. Again McCain called for more troops.

What an ass.

At the center of the Middle East, a region where political assassination, terror, civil war, are more common than elections, America must go on fighting remaking an entire civilization by force of arms, until that glorious day when Mr. McCain can pick up his rental car at the Baghdad airport and motor into town. He would suffer our young people to go on dying for this, his limited, idiotic vision: the Phoenix Airport.

What an ass.

Yet no one challenged him. He was a POW, did you know? His every pronouncement is treated as if it were issued from his cell in the Hanoi Hilton. Our great leader has spoken. He suffered so much for us! In prison so long! And all for us! Tortured. For us! We owe him so very, very, and very much! Therefore every utterance, no matter how superficial, or incoherent, ridiculously absurd, is assented to because HE was a prisoner of war.

Recently Tom DeLay when asked if a Congressman, (
Duke Cunningham), who was discovered living on a government contractor’s yacht, the very same contractor who had recently purchased the Congressman’s home for $700,000 over the market price, might be in breach of “Congressional Ethics”, replied that the Congressman was a “hero,” as if this were proof, an answer, as if Mr. DeLay were making an argument, engaged in moral reasoning, instead of being merely another example of Emptiness.

There was a poem by a Russian dissident that went: “Heroes, heroes, heroes, heroes, heroes, heroes, heroes, heroes, heroes, heroes, heroes, heroes, heroes, heroes, heroes, heroes, heroes, heroes, heroes, heroes, heroes, heroes, heroes, heroes, heroes, . . .”

So the gadfly McCain is allowed to set the goal for America’s involvement in Iraq, to define “success,” and there is nothing that can be done to challenge him. For he is a hero. He was a POW, did you know? There is no reason.

We have a President who has said that he does not want to “impose” a government on Iraq, and instead negotiated this weak political process, where the parliament must be disbanded if “The Constitution” is not approved, to be replaced by another, and another, in an empty desultory plan extending far out over the political horizon into a political wasteland. The President will not even try and speak about the war, discuss the reasons for it, review the facts. Even he has given up, appears to want to ‘distance’ himself.

And our young people in Iraq are abandoned. Led by their Commander In Chief who refused to take responsibility for bringing the conflict to a resolution; BY OUR ACTS ALONE. Says he did not want to “impose.” Now the resolution to the conflict is entirely in the hands of the Iraqi parliament which is to be dissolved. Possibly “The Constitution” will be approved, possibly it will not be approved. No one knows. Its fate is to be decided by “the voters” of any three of the 18 provinces.

Did I say its fate? Well, yes, and the fate of our young people. Though I suppose better by them, whoever they are than by McCain. And we have gadflies like McCain setting our goal as one of turning Baghdad into Phoenix. And no one objects. He was a POW, did you know?

And when I sit down on the sidewalk in front of the KQED building in a few days, to complete my protest, there will be before me this uniform blur of liars, fools, idiots.

Top to bottom.

Crawling around on the bottom the likes of Scott (“now he probably thinks that I work for the J.D.L.”) Bobro, or that clerk at who visited this site several times before calling me and asking about my “status.” And above them the people who manipulated Scott Bobro, and Frank Blaha, and Dean Sotos; the Don Imus’ and Michael Weiners; the rich and powerful.

And above them, at the top of the social pyramid of folly, George Bush and John McCain.

I had thought we were in this together. All citizens of the Republic. McCain’s grandfather and my grandfather had fought together. We are both Republicans.

Then came his betrayal: McCain, appearing on the Imus show, thought it a good joke to reference this web site. A wink at Don Imus. As if to say, ‘Good for you Don . . . good work . . . you destroyed that man. Congradulations.’ One egotist to another. This was after Senator Hatch appeared on the Imus show and said: “I have heard what you do to some of your listeners.” Another egotist to another. (see also William Bennett’s butt boy: “I think they called it . . . Operation Spear . . . or something like that.” see
Army Navy Club Number 43 )

And that McCain and Don Imus and I are all three of us “White males” and that because of this fact we are all supposed to be part of the same ‘club’ only adds a little irony to the farce.

A uniform blur of idiocy. And that I have held out this long on hope, what is that but more idiocy? I had believed in the goodness of ordinary people. Then I had still thought that Senators, The President of the United States, they will not abide injustice! A fool. But I can not stand alone. If Presidents and Senators will join in then how can anyone stand?

How can any of you stand? If you will deny me justice how can you claim justice? When the next bio-attack comes, and you are murdered in your millions, tens of millions, how will you demand justice, you who have lived so unjustly, rejoiced in your injustice, gloated and smirked in your “viciousness”? (“Why do they hate us?”)

Marlene, Susan, and Yvonne. Betrayal after betrayal.

No I can not live without reason, without justice. How can you?

Yes, The Ugly American.


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