Sunday, September 16, 2012

Eisenhower Did It too

Lecture Notes  9-16-12

 To:  Mr. Romney

Subject:  Israel justified  in using nuclear weapons on Iranian targets.

Israel has always said it would not be the first to introduce nuclear weapons into the Middle East.  There is no doubt that the Iranians are in the process of introducing nuclear  weapons.  Thus if Israel strikes  Iran with nuclear weapons it will be in retaliation of Iran decision to go ahead with its nuclear weapon program.  Israel  will not have been the first to introduce nuclear weapons.

It should be recalled that the Korean War was brought to an end because of General-President Eisenhower’s secret threat to resort to nuclear weapons if the Chinese did not agree to stop the war.  They did not agree to peace only to an end of hostilities. 

The threat of nuclear weapons has not deterred Iran’s rulers thus far.  This fact alone should inform our evaluation of the Iranian intentions.  Even now, before they have acquired nuclear weapons, they are willing to expose their subjects to nuclear attack.  (Fortunately most Iranian  nuclear weapons targets are buried deep in the ground along way from populated areas.)  If the Iranians are willing to brave nuclear attack now, before they have nuclear weapons, why should we believe they will not expose their subjects to attack when they do have them?  Numerous Iranian officials have said that whereas the Muslims can survive   a nuclear attack the Jewish State can not.

Some have argued that an attack would only set back the Iranian nuclear program for a few years.  First it should be noted that a few years seems a blessing to the condemned.   Wouldn’t you take a few years reprieve?  Secondly, this contention argues for more action by Israel not less.  In addition to taking out the Iranian nuclear weapons targets Israel should take out additional targets to assist the people of Iran to take back their country. 

For example, tactical nuclear weapons could be used to destroy Iran’s one and only oil refinery.  Iran’s import and export oil docks should also be destroyed.  Electro Magnetic Pulse weapons should be used on the main urban targets.  Water works and sewer systems should also be destroyed.  And every attempt should be made to decapitate the regimes leaders.  The city of Qom itself could lawfully be destroyed as it is the seat of the regimes leaders. 

Have we forgotten that in WWII and Korea and even in Vietnam we thought laying waste to cities was an acceptable and lawful means of war? 

Or is it only gentiles who are allowed to fight wars this way?  Of course, conventional weapons could be used if the US were to support our ally.
PS  And I think the Iranian nuclear program should be destroyed and the regime must be overthrown.     


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