Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Popcorn & The Mob at New Ruskin College


Lecture Notes: Popcorn

After Michael Weiner began reading from my stolen notebook, and then Mrs. Jack Swanson and Brian Wilson, and Ed Baxter, and the morning guys at KGO, Wigand and Dunbar, I wrote a note to Yvonne about the burglary.

At that time I didn’t appreciate how hopeless my position. I had no chance. This was January 2000. I thought Yvonne would share the note and then as the burglary became public, people would talk, someone would come forward and Weiner would be arrested. Justice would be done.

Now I understand that I am in another class. It does not matter that everyone “knows” that Michael Weiner is a burglar. The rich and powerful are protected. Ordinary schlubs like me have no rights. But I came to realize all of this only later.

Then Garrison Keillor did a thing about popcorn on one of his broadcasts. He had made many comments, references to my letters, and seemingly to Yvonne, (Yvonne had encouraged me to listen to Keillor’s broadcasts), so I wondered if this too was not a reference to the stolen notebook. (see Yvonne’s story at the Stolen Notebook Archive at the Moynihan.) So I included this question in my note to Yvonne: why did Keillor reference popcorn in his broadcast?

A few days later Christine Craft on KGO coughed and apologized that she had choked on a piece of popcorn. But, of course, she never came forward.

Recently she called Mrs. Jack Swanson an “idiot” and encouraged listeners to attend a counter counter protest, (Mrs. Jack Swanson was staging the counter protest, (yes, I know, Northern California politics)). Mrs. Jack Swanson immediately, as soon as her next turn at the microphone, went on the air and condemned Christine Craft for calling her an “idiot” and for encouraging protesters to the counter counter protest and further, she, Mrs. Jack Swanson, would speak to Mr. Jack Swanson, the station manager, and have Christine Craft taken off the air.

And so it goes. Other than that one reference to “popcorn” Christine Craft never came forward. She must have known about the burglary from the other employees of KGO and Mrs. Jack Swanson and Brian Wilson had been talking about it the first Monday following that week Michael Weiner had first begun reading from the stolen notebook, which was less than 24 hours after the burglary.

Craft is an attorney. An officer of the court. And she has helped cover up a felony.

After Yvonne betrayed Marlene and me, after the Last Letter, I wanted nothing more to do with politics. If your life could be destroyed, your privacy violated, complete strangers could organize themselves to oppress you, and for nothing, for writing some letters about laser disks in education, then I chose not to participate.

But that was not enough for Michael Weiner. For years following the Last Letter in 1991, he was following, harassing me. Making covert references. Stalking me. I once caught him in Berkeley. He had followed me from Marin. Weiner is a lunatic. But then Ron Owens and Michael Krasney joined in. Then Imus. Then Mrs. Jack Swanson. Then Imus again. For years this went on, fifteen years.

Soon I will be dead. I tried to get out after the Last Letter. And then even after Weiner and Owens and Krasney, after years and years I tried to go on, to make a life. Now and then I marvel at how optimistic I had been in 1992, trying to start a new life for myself after Marlene. How did I have hope? I have no idea.

And after I am dead no one will know about the time Christine Craft mentioned “popcorn” on the air.

Mrs. Jack Swanson will have Craft taken off the air.

Weiner will harasse and oppress some other target.

People will say of me, ‘He had some kind of problem with Jews, didn’t he? I hear he was anti Semitic. And then there was something about the Bell Curve, wasn’t he a racist too . . . and then he complained he couldn’t find work . . . well who would hire him? He had a web site for Christ sake! All he did was complain. Oh, yeah, I know people like that! Who would want to hire someone like that?’

And the unfairness is galling.

And the hypocrisy.

And the class system that protects my enemies.

And the hypocrisy.

I am grateful I can escape this human wasteland.


Lecture Notes: Lynch Mob

What’s the big deal? Don Imus and Michael Weiner just call it street justice.

Ron Owens and Michael Krasney don’t have a problem with it.

Didn’t employees of KQED and KGO join in. And others too, Scott Bobro of Farmers and Frank Blaha of GAB Robins? The mob.

Is that Rosie Allen? And Ed Baxter kicking?

And see over there? That is Mrs. Jack Swanson pulling the hair? What? Oh, she calls that "caboossing." You know from the rear.

No, there is no surprise here.

Oh, and look, Senators Hatch and McCain cheering the mob on.

What you thought the “good citizens” would come forward?

What are you . . .an idealist? Haven’t you ever watched a mob kill someone before?

Yes you have. Kill him . . . kill him . . .



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