Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Iran Zimbabwe and Nazi Germany at NRC

from http://www.newruskincollege.com/

Lecture Notes 7-4-07

Iran and Zimbabwe push forward with price controls.

New York Times reports Zimbabwe is trying to implement the same price control policies Iran is attempting according to the Gulf Daily News. Professor Gotz Aly reports in his recent book, Hitler’s Beneficiaries, that Hitler was forced to war by the logic of his own mismanagement of the German economy. He needed to plunder neighboring states in order to get at their gold reserves and other resources, manipulate their currency, and seize the property of the Jews.

Hitler had used credit to purchase his arms race and in January 1939 the strains on the economy had become so great that the Reichsbank felt compelled to send him a letter which read in part:

“The unlimited expansion of state expenditures flouts every attempt to draw up an orderly budget. It has brought state finances, despite the drastic tightening of tax legislation, to the brink of collapse and threatens now to destabilize both the national bank and the currency. No financial recipes or systems --- no matter how ingenious or well thought out --- and no institutions or set of fiscal mechanisms can suffice to rein in the disastrous consequences of unbridled deficit spending on the currency. No national bank is capable of propping up the currency against the inflationary spending policies of the state.” (39)

This may be regarded as the letter that caused World War II. Hitler used WWII to cover up his phony bookkeeping. He was a simple opportunist with no idea how to run a national economy. Now today Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in Iran and Robert Mugabe in Zimbabwe carry out the same policies of state control.

Will Mugabe or Ahmadinejad turn to war in an attempt to conceal their economic mismanagement? Their policies are not sustainable. Disaster must follow their “price control” legislation. In the case of Iran will that disaster be nuclear?

The second Holocaust proceeds like the first.


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