Saturday, September 10, 2005

Good Bye at New Ruskin College

Lecture Notes: Good bye?

What is going on? Everyone wants to say good bye? Or are you just trying to justify yourselves one last time before I die?

More rationalizations?

Dr. Edel? Dr. Dobson? Rush Limbaugh?

OK, fine, good bye back at you.

Man of Science. Man of God. Man of . . . well, fine. Have it your way. Dyslexics are “Klutzes” on the low end of the “bell curve” with limited “hardware, like a computer, you know, we each have only so much hard drive space, RAM . . .’ Right, a man of “Science.”

Garrison Keillor is another one who presents himself as an affable good natured fellow while concealing his true loathsome egotism. And like Keillor Dr. Edel also makes no claim of fairness as he explains his party affiliation: ‘The Democrats care about people and want to help people in need, but the Republicans only believe in survival of the fittest, and if you have difficulties and need help you should be left to die for the good of the gene pool. That’s why I am a Democrat.’

Ironically Dr. Edel has himself speculated, as has Michael Weiner, that ‘his people’ are genetically superior to the rest of humanity. Recently he said, for example, that he and ‘his people’ received the genetic benefit of the risk taking ‘gene.’ He reasoned that his forbearers had the foresight to escape Europe while others were perhaps genetically predisposed to staying put heedless of the risk.

Now this is just bad science. The behavior, evaluation of the social political and economic risks and opportunities, is far to complex to be the result of a “gene.” Secondly evolutionary selection takes place over many generations and could not be, even in comparatively simple genetic traits, such as the color of a moth’s wings, be transmitted or selected for in one generation.

Dr. Edel’s theory has more in common with the ancient idea of “the blood” recently popularized by the German NAZI Party than it does with modern genetics. (Michael Weiner has several times on his own radio show speculated that descendants of European Jewry may have been ‘improved’ by the ‘selection’ process of repeated anti-Semitic genocidal pogroms, (including the Holocaust itself), because the ‘smarter’ or ‘tougher’ Jews survived to pass on their ‘genes.’ (Of course, Michael Weiner, as has been observed before, is a raving lunatic.))

But Dr. Edel is so determined to justify his actions, or inaction, that he is willing to misrepresent his “Science” in order to assuage is guilty conscience. Anyone familiar with the literature on IQ distribution knows that dyslexia is coextensive with IQ, and not skewed to the lower, ‘smaller RAM’, end of the distribution. There is some suggestion that dyslexia is greater in the upper distribution though sample bias may explain this.

But the point is that here again Dr. Edel’s political, social, psychological need to justify himself, and his inaction, causes him to distort and misrepresent his “Science.” Indeed this misrepresentation is particularly harmful, for it was generally believed in our lifetimes that dyslexics were “retarded” and many with normal intelligence were until only recently branded “retarded” by school bureaucrats in our government controlled school system.

And this bias continues to this day in part because people like Dr. Edel continue to put it out, contrary to the best research, that difficulty with language is 100% associated with the ‘G Factor’ i.e. intelligence. Again, IQ testing, testing for ‘G,’ does not confirm Dr. Edel’s repeated assertions over the years that verbal writing skills are directly correlated to ‘G’. (This issue is distinct from whether dyslexia is an ‘illness’, or ‘abnormality’, or a ‘disability’ etc. which are social political classifications. Such factors prevent Medicine from becoming a Natural Science.)

But the point here is to see how Dr. Edel twists his “Science” to serve his psychological needs. Ask yourselves: Why has Dr. Edel such a strong psychological need? So much for objectivity.

And further, anyone familiar with the political and sociological literature would know that the social political economic policies advocated by the Republican Party are supported by our best social and economic research. I do not say if you are familiar with the best research that you must be a Republican. For example, Senator Moynihan.

I only say that if you are familiar with the research you could not grossly distort these policies as being “social Darwinism” as did Dr. Edel. You could not dismiss them so easily. Senator Dr. Moynihan never did so. He argued. He reviewed the evidence but he did not grossly distort. Just as Dr. Edel misrepresents his own science in support of his racial theories, or to explain his repeated and false assertions that dyslexics are “slow” or ‘retarded’ he also misrepresents sociological and economic research in support of his political prejudices. For that is what they are. Politics is just prejudice without reason.

Such is the power of his need to justify himself. Why such need? He works a KGO in San Francisco. He knows about the burglary, the years of harassment, and he had done nothing.

Good bye Dr. Edel. You have shown yourself to be a hypocrite even in you own “Science.” Recall Dr. Edel’s story about stepping over a homeless person on the sidewalk while attending the theater in San Francisco, and concluding, we live in “a nation of haves and have nots.” The man on the sidewalk was not their because Dr. Edel, and Dr. Edel’s “profession” the doctors of California had abandoned their duty to their patients. California physicians have not left their patients to drown as did the physicians of Louisiana.

And of course, Dr. Dobson, it must be my “unforgiving” nature which caused my enemies to pursue me for fifteen years. It is because I am “obsessed” with them. Right. I am so “unforgiving” that I went back to see Yvonne that second time. I followed them from job to job place to place for fifteen years. I burglarized them? I placed electronic eaves dropping equipment on them? I stole their mail, interfered with their employment?

Sure. And when I am dead you will blame “Buddhism” for my death. You will not think of how many Christians participated in the harassment. You will not for example consider that Mrs. Jack Swanson regularly brags about being an “Episcopalian.” Do you not think that many other “Good Christians” know what has been done to me over these many, many, years and have done nothing, made no objections, even joined in with Rosie Allen and Ted---

Counselor: . . .

Ed Baxter? The KSFO weatherman? All Christians! Do not Christians and their religious theology bare some examination? You? Is there a Christian justification for inaction? Yours too?

(For example, are their no Christian families in Louisiana and Mississippi who could benefit from professional assistance in preparing their insurance claims? (Even at this late hour my mind is franticly hoping for some way out. Previous fantasies included being called back to work by the insurance companies, even the ones who actively participated with my enemies in harassing me. Wild unreasonable hope, even now! Or that I might have worked for the new Governor of California even though the day after I submitted my resume Mrs. Jack Swanson had apparently been told that I had applied. Or when I hoped that I might assist in Iraq. Or with FEMA! Mightn’t Mr. Bush have benefited from my 25 years experience in catastrophe claims? And every minute some new miracle is dreamed up. Hope spills out of me and runs down my face. There still might be some other way. Even now! There is no dignity.))

Many have known what was done to me. Some of you knew while it was going on. Some of you joined in on it. Some found out later, and still joined in. (“I have heard what you do to some of your listeners.” Senator Hatch. A Mormon.) There is no reason, no religion, no principle of any kind. Emptiness.


Rush, the reason Dr. Edel thinks Republican are hateful, and believe in “Social Darwinism” is because of your unthoughtful blithering. Please stop it. Read. You are not helping conservatives. We are not conservatives because we want to hurt people but because we want to help people. If you do not want to help the people stop calling yourself a conservative. If you want, advocate selfishness. Start a selfish party if you want but stop hiding behind “conservatism.”

You oppose market pricing of roads. You support exclusionary zoning. You deny that Social Security is a welfare program. You support the state apparatus which excludes people from participating in the market with its zoning, licensing, and mass of administrative regulations. You support the corporate welfare state and unregulated “tax shelters.” You are not a conservative. You do not want to “join” my “parade” because I am too unforgiving? Don’t. Good bye to you too.


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