Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Bo Dietl & Don Imus

Lecture Notes: 10-26-04 www.NewRuskinCollege.com

Some College visitors have expressed surprise that we should have described Bo Dietl as an amateur. (see Lecture Notes: 10-25-04)

In civil litigation! His prior experience as an “investigator” has been limited to knocking the heads of Brooklyn thugs together.

In the Mackris case Bo Dietl turned a straightforward employer-employee sexual harassment claim into a case of defamation, invasion of privacy, unauthorized release of confidential information, oppression, etc. etc.

See Bo this is what comes from having a mouth that is bigger than your brain. What do you think visitors? Would you want to hire this loud mouthed coward? Want to turn a small claim into a big one? Or a big one into an even bigger one? I think not. Not very good advertising for Bo Dietl and Asses is it.

Of course, Don Imus, on the other hand is himself a loud mouth coward so no doubt he will still hire Bo. ((see Psy Ops) One College visitor even suggested that Bo Dietl may even have used GAB Robins to eliminate some competition for Bo Dietl and Asses.)

The degenerate Don Imus today used the public air ways to issue a series of threats to unspecified victims, promising them that he would destroy their lives, warning them that he is “vicious.” This is the same way Mrs. Jack Swanson described herself when in 2002 and 2003 she was carrying the Iman’s water. (see Psy Ops) “I’m vicious,” she said of herself. Don you talk like Mrs. Jack Swanson, are you as dumb as Mrs. Jack Swanson?


Imus concluded his rant with the boast, “What are you going to do . . . hire an attorney? I’ve got the best attorneys in the country.” See how proud Imus is that the judiciary has been perverted by the rich. Also see that there is no F.C.C. to stop him from using the public airways to issue his threats.

I couldn’t understand why Imus was so upset with the F.C.C.. Even if they do issue a fine it will be paid by Viacom not Imus. Then I realized what it was. It was just the idea that someone would judge him. Just the idea that there was someone with “authority” over him. Expelled from high school. Sent to juvenile Hall. Forced into the Marine Corps. His whole life he has been acting out against “authority.” The F.C.C. represents the father figure for him. (But why? Latent homosexuality perhaps?)

Notice, conservatives, that here with Don Imus we see, the flaunting of the bling bling, the “gangsta” slang, the mouthing of the empty liberal platitudes, as symbolized by his empty headed support for John F. F. Kerry, the Post Liberal elite unabashedly presenting its true face. The wizened junkie face of Don Imus. The Post Liberal elite is here ascendant, in full possession of the powers of the state (the next President?); it fears no challenge to its power, not from the judiciary, nor the F.C.C.: those who make peaceful change impossible make violent change inevitable.

full text at www.NewRuskinCollege.com


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