Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Our Vesuvius at New Ruskin College

Lecture Notes: 12-01-04

In November, after our Lecture Notes about the abuse of state power in Boston, New York, and San Francisco, to drive up housing prices beyond the reach of the middle class, Ralph Nader in a campaign speech mentioned these cities also.

We had pointed out that the Democrat had moved from being Liberals and had now morphed into: Post Liberals. They still use the rhetoric of Liberalism, they speak of fairness, justice, but really this is just a hold over of old fashion form. The Post Liberals now use government the way Marin Senator Feinstein used government when she was still climbing in San Francisco. She downed zoned San Francisco five times, even as she accumulated the multistory buildings that she proposed to ban.

She used government to drive out her fellow capitalists --- least competition moderate her profits.

Mr. Nader pointed out in his speech, that these cities have all been in the hands of Democrats “for a hundred years.” A hundred years and still these problems persist? Gosh, why do you suppose that is?

For example, replacing the Bay Bridge with the conventional bridge that had originally been proposed would save $500 million it has been estimated. Given the expected cost over runs probably the savings is in the billions. Yet the outcome is in doubt. (I mean, $500 million, what is that among friends . . . of the Post Liberal elite?)

But of course Mr. Nader only ran for office because of his egotism. How could a person of conscience not support the Democrats?

The Democrats have had control for a hundred years. They have driven the poor, and the middle class out of San Francisco, driven them to the Central Valley. They must now commute a hundred miles a day. Then the Democrats complain about the pollution and want to tax the people for driving.

Are you starting to get the picture?

But do not think this is partisan. The Republican have nothing to say about housing. Government regulation has driven up the cost of housing. Government regulation of education and medicine, again, like housing, has ruined the market and driven the prices out of the reach of the people. So we have the “housing crisis.” The “medical care crisis.” The “education crisis.”

But the Republican Party of California has had nothing to say about any of this. Why?

A fixed game.

It is not just the Democrats who are Post Liberal. Michael Weiner claimed to be a “compassionate conservative” even as he organized the burglary of the Colonial Motel. Mrs. Jack Swanson was active in the Republican Party even as she obtained copies of my letters from her friends at CENCAL. What do these Republicans have in common with the Democrats at KQED who persuaded the Counselor Yvonne [deletion] to betray her client?

Post Liberalism.

Some College Visitors have asked how is it that if all these people are working together as I claim that we have not already been enslaved. How is it that we still have any freedom at all.

Dear friends. These wealthy people have been working their schemes from the beginning of time. But they are so selfish, so preoccupied with themselves that they never can establish themselves in power. They betray each other just as they have betrayed the people. For all of history it has been the same.

They are perfect monsters, devouring themselves too. Their own rapaciousness makes their rule unstable. Inevitably Vesuvius erupts and they are destroyed.
Our Vesuvius is called: bio-warfare.


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