Traffic at New Ruskin College
Lecture Notes: 5-10-05 Traffic Jams
And do you suppose that traffic jams affect everyone equally?
Well, of course, you are after all Americans!
All men created equal! Equal before the Law! Everyone has an equal chance! Equal opportunity.
What bull shit. Are you not ashamed of yourselves? Will you live your whole lives in such lies? In any lies bad enough, but such ones as these? Can you not lie better than this?
The answer is: No!
The rich and poor do not suffer equally.
But then this is why the poor would prefer to live in closer to their jobs. But this is not allowed. The Marin Senators Boxer and Feinstein determined that really all our problems resulted from too many small apartments, and they, with a majority of their Boards of Supervisors, outlawed them.
Have you never asked yourselves from where does this sovereign authority come, that the rich and powerful lord over us? The Tenth Amendment. The powers not granted to the Federal Government are left to the States and the People. And this is the power the rich have grabbed. In the Bay Area they are themselves a powerful political force, concentrated in the ocean counties:
( ).
The rich have taken this sovereign power that was left to the people and they have zoned us out of existence. (By banning small homes they drive up the prices out of the reach of the middle class. ( ))
They run us around, make us dance in giant conga lines of steel running for 50 miles into the Central Valley, and yes, run us into traffic jams which start before dawn and end only long after sunset. ( )
They want cooks in Marin to serve them, they just do not want those cooks to live in Marin. They want policemen, tellers, nurses, gardeners, etc. etc. they just do not want any of them to live with them. Do not want their children going to the same schools as their own dear darlings. In fact do not want them to have any say in these matters at all. Do not want them to have the vote, which is why the often noted easy relationship between illegals and the rich. The new slave state, the Post Liberal Bay Area.
But what would the Founders have said if they had been told that in the future, two hundred years on, the rich will seize the state and would through decades of exclusionary zoning prohibit the poor and the middle classes from living within the borders of “their” provinces? Could they imagine? Traffic jams? Thirty miles of traffic jams? Everyday?
The power was left to “the people” yet see now how that sovereign power has been taken by the rich for their own purposes. The have taken hold of the state and they squeeze the people. Everyday. So great has been this squeeze that now only the top 15% can afford the median priced home, and the state is now called “the Tulip State.” ( )
And see too that the Marin Senators are “Liberals.” And note that Bernie Ward, the “Lion of the Left” says only glumly that there will always be rich and poor. Rich and poor? Well yes. But we are not here looking at rich and poor. We are here talking about how the rich have seized the state. Have turned the state into their personal instrument. They have used the zoning powers to exclude the people and drive them away, into traffic jams.
(When we pointed out the unfairness that three young workers, possibly with only average I. Q.s, earning only less than median incomes, forced to spend disproportionately more on higher rents, and gas, for example, because they must travel hundreds of miles a week due to these exclusionary zoning rules forced on them by the rich, ---- that these young people should have to pay 12.5% of their income to elderly rich people in Marin, with PhDs on their paneled walls, who have done everything possible to exclude these poor workers, this unfairness was pointed out to the “Lion of the Left”, and he said only, there will always be rich and poor. What dishonesty! He is a human lie.)
We do not care that they are rich! Let them retire to the luxury of their mansions. Yes, please. But their mansions are not enough for them.
They want more. They want to exercise power over their own property, and they want to exercise power over all the other property too! This is the sovereign power.
They not only do not want to build an apartment building on their own property but they do not want anyone else to build an apartment building on their own property either. This is the complaint, that they use the state. (Is this so hard a point to grasp. No. He knows what is being said. The “Lion of the Left” is the Liar of the Left.)
Dr. Dean Edel talks of having to “step over the homeless” on the way to the theater, and says only, “we are a society of haves and have-nots.” Haves and have-nots? Is that what you see? (Recall Bernie Ward also talking about stepping over the homeless. But in his case he was on his way to a donut shop.)
First I see the medical professional who should know that many, half, of those on the streets are suffering from diagnosable mental illness, and should in a just society be given sanctuary. (Recall that the medical doctors promised that “community treatment” would replace the state hospitals which were emptied in the 1960s. (Oh, guess what? Yes, another lie.))
And to understand how terrible it has been, if you think I am exaggerating, just consider that the people of California passed Proposition 63 themselves because the government would do nothing. Have done nothing for these 40 years. Prop. 63 will provide funding for mental health services yet no one familiar with the Post Liberal state can reasonably suppose that this funding will do anything but provide employment for the government “health workers” who will only counsel the men laying on the sidewalks. ( ) Why? Because to do more would be so way “un-liberal.”
Then next I see a medical professional who is a political liberal and who has worked to undermine society with his irresponsible liberalism and its antagonism for authority. So therefore he fails to see why the addicted also should be given sanctuary, off the streets. (It is much easier to deal with the addicted in Civil Court rather than Criminal Court. Why? Because in Civil Court, (a civil commitment hearing), one only needs to show with a “preponderance” of the evidence that the addict is a burden on society. In a Criminal case the proof must be “beyond a reasonable doubt.”
(So now, who is it that wants to get tough on crime? Those who demand all cases be in Criminal Court, or those of us who think the Civil Law should be used? It is typical that this issue is always presented as either legalize or criminalize. Why not ad civil commitment as an additional action? In fact most first time offenders are “diverted” into treatment in California. But why must we wait for a criminal case to be taken to court, with all the delays of the criminal process. Why can not a mother, or a wife, or a brother, etc. bring a civil action? Before the bank accounts have been emptied? And again we are blocked by the liberal establishment. Or, for example, a parent must move to Nevada if they seek a “lock down” facility for their minor child. California does not allow even the dangerously deranged to be held. So to all the others on the street now add the psychotic young as well.))
I say Dr. Edel and his faction are undermining society because those pathetic cases which they allow to be put on public display act to desensitize society not just to human suffering but to human beings, the rights of human beings to a minimum of decency.
For it can be seen that by devaluing the lives of those abandoned on the street, they (our Liberal brethren) devalue all our lives. All men are subject to ridicule because these men are subject to ridicule. And do you not think that that is at the back of the rich man Dr. Edel’s mind? Do you not think that the rich man Bernie Ward ridicules the man he steps over as he climbs into his donut shop? They do not secretly smile to themselves as they tell their stories of their encounters with humanity under their soles? (It is radio, perhaps they are even smiling openly in their studios.)
And consider further, do these homeless not serve as justification for the rich who every year enact some new exclusionary ordinance? Do the rich not smile at the “have-nots”, ready evidence as they are, for why humanity must be excluded? So finally I see this, a society so corrupt that the “Left” works in league with, is in point of fact the same as, the Post Liberal elite. They can even quote the Bible to justify themselves, the “have-nots” will always be with us.
This is why I am a conservative. The hypocrisy of our “Post Liberal” elite makes me sick. I will not live in such a society.
No, we do not all suffer traffic jams equally.
Lecture Notes: 5-10-05 Traffic Jams
And do you suppose that traffic jams affect everyone equally?
Well, of course, you are after all Americans!
All men created equal! Equal before the Law! Everyone has an equal chance! Equal opportunity.
What bull shit. Are you not ashamed of yourselves? Will you live your whole lives in such lies? In any lies bad enough, but such ones as these? Can you not lie better than this?
The answer is: No!
The rich and poor do not suffer equally.
But then this is why the poor would prefer to live in closer to their jobs. But this is not allowed. The Marin Senators Boxer and Feinstein determined that really all our problems resulted from too many small apartments, and they, with a majority of their Boards of Supervisors, outlawed them.
Have you never asked yourselves from where does this sovereign authority come, that the rich and powerful lord over us? The Tenth Amendment. The powers not granted to the Federal Government are left to the States and the People. And this is the power the rich have grabbed. In the Bay Area they are themselves a powerful political force, concentrated in the ocean counties:
( ).
The rich have taken this sovereign power that was left to the people and they have zoned us out of existence. (By banning small homes they drive up the prices out of the reach of the middle class. ( ))
They run us around, make us dance in giant conga lines of steel running for 50 miles into the Central Valley, and yes, run us into traffic jams which start before dawn and end only long after sunset. ( )
They want cooks in Marin to serve them, they just do not want those cooks to live in Marin. They want policemen, tellers, nurses, gardeners, etc. etc. they just do not want any of them to live with them. Do not want their children going to the same schools as their own dear darlings. In fact do not want them to have any say in these matters at all. Do not want them to have the vote, which is why the often noted easy relationship between illegals and the rich. The new slave state, the Post Liberal Bay Area.
But what would the Founders have said if they had been told that in the future, two hundred years on, the rich will seize the state and would through decades of exclusionary zoning prohibit the poor and the middle classes from living within the borders of “their” provinces? Could they imagine? Traffic jams? Thirty miles of traffic jams? Everyday?
The power was left to “the people” yet see now how that sovereign power has been taken by the rich for their own purposes. The have taken hold of the state and they squeeze the people. Everyday. So great has been this squeeze that now only the top 15% can afford the median priced home, and the state is now called “the Tulip State.” ( )
And see too that the Marin Senators are “Liberals.” And note that Bernie Ward, the “Lion of the Left” says only glumly that there will always be rich and poor. Rich and poor? Well yes. But we are not here looking at rich and poor. We are here talking about how the rich have seized the state. Have turned the state into their personal instrument. They have used the zoning powers to exclude the people and drive them away, into traffic jams.
(When we pointed out the unfairness that three young workers, possibly with only average I. Q.s, earning only less than median incomes, forced to spend disproportionately more on higher rents, and gas, for example, because they must travel hundreds of miles a week due to these exclusionary zoning rules forced on them by the rich, ---- that these young people should have to pay 12.5% of their income to elderly rich people in Marin, with PhDs on their paneled walls, who have done everything possible to exclude these poor workers, this unfairness was pointed out to the “Lion of the Left”, and he said only, there will always be rich and poor. What dishonesty! He is a human lie.)
We do not care that they are rich! Let them retire to the luxury of their mansions. Yes, please. But their mansions are not enough for them.
They want more. They want to exercise power over their own property, and they want to exercise power over all the other property too! This is the sovereign power.
They not only do not want to build an apartment building on their own property but they do not want anyone else to build an apartment building on their own property either. This is the complaint, that they use the state. (Is this so hard a point to grasp. No. He knows what is being said. The “Lion of the Left” is the Liar of the Left.)
Dr. Dean Edel talks of having to “step over the homeless” on the way to the theater, and says only, “we are a society of haves and have-nots.” Haves and have-nots? Is that what you see? (Recall Bernie Ward also talking about stepping over the homeless. But in his case he was on his way to a donut shop.)
First I see the medical professional who should know that many, half, of those on the streets are suffering from diagnosable mental illness, and should in a just society be given sanctuary. (Recall that the medical doctors promised that “community treatment” would replace the state hospitals which were emptied in the 1960s. (Oh, guess what? Yes, another lie.))
And to understand how terrible it has been, if you think I am exaggerating, just consider that the people of California passed Proposition 63 themselves because the government would do nothing. Have done nothing for these 40 years. Prop. 63 will provide funding for mental health services yet no one familiar with the Post Liberal state can reasonably suppose that this funding will do anything but provide employment for the government “health workers” who will only counsel the men laying on the sidewalks. ( ) Why? Because to do more would be so way “un-liberal.”
Then next I see a medical professional who is a political liberal and who has worked to undermine society with his irresponsible liberalism and its antagonism for authority. So therefore he fails to see why the addicted also should be given sanctuary, off the streets. (It is much easier to deal with the addicted in Civil Court rather than Criminal Court. Why? Because in Civil Court, (a civil commitment hearing), one only needs to show with a “preponderance” of the evidence that the addict is a burden on society. In a Criminal case the proof must be “beyond a reasonable doubt.”
(So now, who is it that wants to get tough on crime? Those who demand all cases be in Criminal Court, or those of us who think the Civil Law should be used? It is typical that this issue is always presented as either legalize or criminalize. Why not ad civil commitment as an additional action? In fact most first time offenders are “diverted” into treatment in California. But why must we wait for a criminal case to be taken to court, with all the delays of the criminal process. Why can not a mother, or a wife, or a brother, etc. bring a civil action? Before the bank accounts have been emptied? And again we are blocked by the liberal establishment. Or, for example, a parent must move to Nevada if they seek a “lock down” facility for their minor child. California does not allow even the dangerously deranged to be held. So to all the others on the street now add the psychotic young as well.))
I say Dr. Edel and his faction are undermining society because those pathetic cases which they allow to be put on public display act to desensitize society not just to human suffering but to human beings, the rights of human beings to a minimum of decency.
For it can be seen that by devaluing the lives of those abandoned on the street, they (our Liberal brethren) devalue all our lives. All men are subject to ridicule because these men are subject to ridicule. And do you not think that that is at the back of the rich man Dr. Edel’s mind? Do you not think that the rich man Bernie Ward ridicules the man he steps over as he climbs into his donut shop? They do not secretly smile to themselves as they tell their stories of their encounters with humanity under their soles? (It is radio, perhaps they are even smiling openly in their studios.)
And consider further, do these homeless not serve as justification for the rich who every year enact some new exclusionary ordinance? Do the rich not smile at the “have-nots”, ready evidence as they are, for why humanity must be excluded? So finally I see this, a society so corrupt that the “Left” works in league with, is in point of fact the same as, the Post Liberal elite. They can even quote the Bible to justify themselves, the “have-nots” will always be with us.
This is why I am a conservative. The hypocrisy of our “Post Liberal” elite makes me sick. I will not live in such a society.
No, we do not all suffer traffic jams equally.
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