Thursday, June 23, 2005

Bush at New Ruskin College II

There is a sort of arrogance in the liberal West the handmaiden to our own guilt and self-loathing that strangely believes we are both to blame for the ills abroad and alone can solve them through handing out money. Almost all of the pathetic rhetoric of al Qaeda "colonial exploitation," "American hegemony," or "blood for oil" was as imported from the West as were the terrorists' bombs and communications.

Lecture Notes: 06-14-05

Oh! I see, Mr. Bush!

We will just raise the number of foreign nationals in the Army. Ah, the American Foreign Legion.

Sure. Of course, now the ‘Bush open borders’ makes sense.

If the Army can only raise 60% of the needed recruits, (from America), we will simply increase the allowed number of foreign nationals to fill the ranks.

We will still have American officers, ( in the French Foreign Legion all the officers are French, the language is French, the flag is French), but the troops will increasingly be drawn from around the world. The ultimate out sourcing.

So that is why our President feels no obligation to speak to the nation. We are just the subjects, the tax payers, the governed.

When our rulers think we need to know something they will let us know.

Mr. Bush does not have to rally the troops, give speeches, persuade. The election is over. Get a life. Mr. Bush controls the oval room, end of story.

He really does believe in open borders. What is a nation? What is sovereignty?

Indeed what is your democracy? You see a lot of reasoning being applied to the political discussion do you? Your fellow citizens deeply immersed in the facts are they? Is that what you see? A rich healthy public discussion? Far reaching? Impartial? Profound?

How many competitive elections did we have in the last election cycle?

Mr. Yasin and Mr. Yosef come from Iraq and return to Iraq after the first World Trade Center bombing (an act of war) and yet we are told that there is “no connection” between Saddam Hussein and the World Trade Center and al Qaeda, (see McGurk Tutorial).

(Mr. Solomon of the AP has reported that the first WTC bombing was an al Qaeda operation, and no one objected.( see Who Killed Duane Garrett Part II ( Yet we are assured that Hussein and al Qaeda had no “collaborative operational relationship.’’ A lie.

And one could go on, item by item, fact after fact, but what is the use? Reason and facts no longer count. Did they ever?

Hussein’s own generals when interviewed after the war said they had thought that there were WMD and that they would be used once the Americans crossed the “red line.”

So now we know that if we had had better human intelligence we would have only collected more evidence that Hussein had and intended to use WMD. But again this is a logic, a series of facts that is irrelevant.

That Hussein attempted the assassination of Mr. Bush (41), (an act of war), is irrelevant.

That Hussein supported world terrorism (an act of war) irrelevant.

That Hussein violated the armistice (an act of war) irrelevant.

In part irrelevant because Clinton did not take action at the time on any of these facts. (Hussein admitted to having WMD (an act of war) during the Clinton administration.)

And because Clinton did nothing, and because you, the great mass made no objection, for you to admit now that more should have been done would be to engage in self criticism.

And you are too egotistical to make such an admission.

So you revert into the lies: “no connection,” “no collaborative relationship,” “no cause for war,” . . . etc. Go ahead keep repeating “no connection”.

And foreign affairs is only one aspect. Your party has blocked nuclear power for 30 years. Advanced “no growth” policies and then complained of the hardships your very policies have imposed. Have plundered the public treasury, and have helped the unions to plunder and loot, both private and public treasuries, pensions beyond belief, public employees retiring on 95% of their income, no, 100% pensions and then complaining that that was not enough, and filing workers comp claims for full disability while working a second job in retirement.

And even as your policies bring on an energy crisis and a housing crisis, so too the pension system collapses into insolvency, just as the Social Security system which the Democrat refuses to reform spirals into debt larger than the national debt of $8 trillion.

Egotism, plunder, gerrymandering, lies, bad faith, the utter debasement of our national discourse. “No connection” , “no connection,” . . .

‘Our president is not a rapist.’ Can you say denial? Did you even once, just one time, object to the Clinton acquiescence to the slaughtered of the million in Rwanda? One f----- word? This is denial. Did you say anything even to yourself? This is debasement. Even in private? This is political corruption. Or are you dead already? (But you would have done something about Hitler, . . . right? (Don’t you lie to yourself about that? More than once? ( So many pleasing lies.)) What if you are just a big bag of shit? )

Counselor: And you are not?

Ah! Yvonne! How good of you to join us my dear. Thank you.

Counselor: You are welcome.

And see how Mr. Bush is no reformer. He will not challenge your egotistical defenses. He will not attempt to persuade. He leaves you to yourselves.

May be if you were a sovereign people, if you mattered. But you do not matter. So you can be left to your tangle of pathologies and defensive lies. Go on lying until you die.

You can be replaced. It is easier to replace you than to try and reason with you; or to try to persuade you.

Why bother. Fill the ranks with the foreign nationals. Out source. Open the borders. Enslave the people.

The Republic is lost.


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