Tuesday, August 23, 2005

COP Suicide at New Ruskin College


Lecture Notes: Suicide Research

Suggestion for suicide research: Correlation between cop suicide and corruption. Cop suicides may be an indicator of corruption in their jurisdiction. What do you do when the “good guys” are the bad guys? Who do you report to? Not everyone is a
Frank Serpico.

In my case the President of the United States has taken notice of this web site. Senators have taken notice, some Senators have even taken the side of my oppressors, (Hatch and McCain). Senator Kerry repeatedly went on the Imus show during his campaign. After I applied for a job with the new Governor of California, Mrs. Jack Swanson made a reference to my application. Even the new Governor has someone on his staff who leaks to her.

So where do you go from there?

This is why we should research police suicides. They join to help, to do good, and then they discover what I have discovered, the utter degradation, corruption, of society.

They find that the world is Empty. No truth or justice, just ego, greed, delusion, hate.

Where do you go from there?

ONE DOWN: Michael Grahams termination appears to come from his repeatedly calling Islam a terrorist organization and for not distinguishing between the practices and beliefs of Islam and the acts of terrorists and radicals. (R&R-Drudge) But what about the burglary? The fifteen years of oppression?



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