Monday, December 06, 2004

Where is # 95678? New Ruskin College

Lecture Notes: 12-07-2004

The whole world wants to know where is Station H’s message sheet number 95678?

The whole world wants to know where is Station H’s message sheet number 95678?

The NSA has released message sheets 95677 and 95679. Why hasn’t the NSA released 95678? By the dates of the other messages we know that Station H’s message sheet number 95678 was taken from its pad on 12-01-1941.

Even though the NSA has not released the American message sheet, the Japanese Imperial Navy’s archives are not classified. Therefore we have been able to see what messages the Japanese Navy sent on 12-01-41.

The message was in the Japanese Navy’s most secret naval code. That is what Station H did. It decoded messages on numbered message sheets. Would you like to see the text of the message sent on 12-01-41 from Japanese headquarters in Tokyo to the Imperial Navy?


You want to see that coded message? Oh, ok, I wasn’t sure anyone was still interested:

TI YO WI 00, KE NO 8;DE: Ko Me Ha (Admeral Nagano)

1 December 1941

From: The Chief of Naval General Staff

To: CinC Combined Fleet

CinC China Area Fleet

1. It has been decided to enter into a state of war between the Imperial Government on one side and the United States, Great Britain and the Netherlands on the other during the first part of December.

2. The CinC Combined Fleet will destroy the enemy forces and air strength in the eastern seas at the same time will meet any attack by the enemy fleet and destroy it.

3. The CinC Combined Fleet will, in cooperation with the Commander of the Southern Army, speedily capture and hold important American and British Bases in Eastern Asia and then Dutch Bases. Important strategic points will then be occupied and held.

4. CenC Combined Fleet will in case of necessity cooperate with the operations of China Area Fleet.

5. The time for activating the movements of forces in accordance with preceding articles will be given in a later order.

6. Execution of details will be as directed by Chief of the Naval General Staff.

Later came the message “Climb Mount Niitaka

Full text at


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