Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Armstrong&Getty at New Ruskin College

Lecture Notes: August

“Well . . . enjoy your failure . . .” --- Armstrong and Getty, the morning morons on KNEW, 08-24-05

Statements like this sound homosexual to me. Because snide, glib, . . . feminine. Women are said to be more verbal, to have greater “social skills”, greater range in their ability to deal with competing social demands, etc.

And homosexuals are said to be more “female” for some of these very same reasons.

But the morning morons on KNEW are not homosexuals. At least they do not trade on it if they are. Ron Owens is another example whose snippy put downs have always made me think Queen. Perhaps he will come “out of the closet” and leave his wife and daughters.

That has become a pattern. The “closet Queen” walks out when they become teenagers. Become an Episcopal Bishop, the son joins the Taliban, or; I’m confusing stories.

I suppose that it is unfair to homosexuals. ?? Or not. Some I think would appreciate their reputation for being able to “dish it” with the best of them. But what does it say about our culture that heterosexuals now compete to “dish it”?

“Well . . . enjoy your failure . . . Don’t you just hate those people who always have some excuse, I’m failing but let me explain why . . . they have a whole explanation for how ‘the system’ is set against them . . .? well . . . enjoy your failure.”

It is like the weatherman on KSFO. It is embarrassing to even acknowledge them. Which is why for years I tried to ignore them. Even after the burglary. I thought someone will come forward and give evidence. You can not cover this up.

Anyway what can you do? The police are part of it. They were following me for months after the burglary, referring to me as the “Colonial Motel Suspect.” And as the years went by they escalated. Michael Weiner, and Ron Owens used Scott “now he probably thinks that I work for the JDL” Bobro at Farmers. Michael Krasney used Rose Guilbault, VP, at the AAA Auto Club. Mrs. Jack Swanson apparently knew the owners of CENCAL, and of course Don Imus had Frank Blaha at GAB Robins.

But Armstrong and Getty do not want to be left out the day I kill myself in front of the KQED building. They will high five each other on air the next morning.

Yesterday, Lee Rodgers was condemning the management of ABC’s WMAL for the firing of Michael Graham. “I would never work there.” Yet not four days before Mrs. Jack Swanson explained on the air that she would use her influence to have Christine Craft taken off the air. (Using her influence. Her husband the station manager.) Why? Craft had called her an “idiot.”

You can get taken off KGO for telling the truth? Mrs. Jack Swanson is an idiot.

What was Lee Rodgers’ point? Was he not by implication asking ‘Who would work for KGO?’ He was expressing his contempt for the cowards, Rosie Allen, Ed Baxter, Gene Burns, Bernie Ward, etc. who knew about the burglary, the years of harassment, and said nothing out of fear of retaliation by management?

Yes. Lee Rodgers and Mrs. Jack Swanson are contemptuous of their cowering colleagues. In other words Rodgers is a hypocrite. He enjoys the protection of Mr. Jack Swanson, even as Swanson keeps Rodgers’ colleagues in fear of their jobs.

Champions “free speech” for the hate filled Graham but does not want the truth spoken about Weiner, Mrs. Jack Swanson, Imus et al.

But we are passing hypocrisy.

Michael Weiner, Lee Rodgers, Mrs. Jack Swanson will daily advocate nuclear genocide of the Moslem people, the destruction of whole cities. Rush Limbaugh only asked why we were not considering “carpet bombing Iraqi cities.” Mrs. Jack Swanson advocated “bombing them back into the stone age.”

And then they claim that the Moslems are violent.

Weiner advocated “random acts of violence” against Moslems. Recommended that “random acts of violence” be perpetrated anonymously.

And so it goes. Is that not what was done to me? Random acts of violence? Anonymously?

But of course they were all indignation that Michael Graham was dropped for his repeated assertion that all Moslems are terrorists, that “Islam is a terrorist organization”, failing to make any distinctions. (We kill terrorists don’t we?)

Indignation about the loss of “free speech?” Glorying in triumph over how these rich powerful people have used their influence for fifteen years to destroy me. Glory? For example in Michael Weiner’s twisted neurotic view it has been a fair fight. How fair? Well, come on, I am Gentile! I am 6’2”. A WASP! Don’t you see that makes it fair.

Don’t you know what those Gentiles did to the Jewish people? And I have blue eyes too. Remember that? Blue eyes! A NAZI! See? And Mrs. Jack Swanson also thinks it has been fair. Why I am a MAN! She is just a weak struggling female. She was raised a feminist. Get EVEN! Before she used her influence at CENCAL she had tried to get Rush Limbaugh taken off the air back in the 1980s. And now Christine Craft.

But of course Rush Limbaugh raised Mrs. Jack Swanson’s fist in a victory pose at a recent event. He will go on for hours, three hours a day, putting it out, ‘Go on do your worst liberals, you can never do anything to us, you know why? Because we are White Males and we can take anything you can dish out, go on do your worst. Because we are stronger, better, smarter, than you, you can never hold us down, you know why because we are White Males. That is right we will just work harder, faster, smarter than you and you will never be able to keep us down , you know why, because . . .’

Shut up Rush. I am just begging you. Please, just shut up.

There is something beyond hypocrisy.


Christian cleric issues a fatwa calling for the killing of the Venezuelan head of state. (Drudge)

This World Which Is Made of Our Love for Emptiness

Praise to the emptiness that blanks out existence. Existence:
This place made from our love for that emptiness!

Yet somehow comes emptiness,this existence goes.
Praise to that happening, over and over!For years I pulled my own existence out of emptiness.

Then one swoop, one swing of the arm,that work is over.
Free of who I was, free of presence, free of dangerous fear, hope, free of mountainous wanting.

The here-and-now mountain is a tiny piece of a piece of straw blown off into emptiness.
These words I'm saying so much begin to lose meaning:

Existence, emptiness, mountain, straw:
Words and what they try to say sweptout the window, down the slant of the roof.

William C. Chittick, The Sufi Path of Love:The Spiritual Teachings of Rumi


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