Sunday, July 10, 2005

M&W Foundation at New Ruskin College

Lecture Notes: 07-07-05

Codicil to the Will.

I will post a photo of cherry blossoms with a black border. When you see this you will know I am dead.

I ask if you should investigate my death, and determine that things are as I have alleged, that you take action against those who have wronged me.

Distinguish between those who merely commented upon these events, (Rush Limbaugh, Bill O’Reilly, Sean Hannity, George Will, Sam Donaldson, Chris Matthews, John Roberts, Tim Russert, Al Franken, etc. etc.), and those who took an active part in instigating the actions against me: Michael Weiner, Don Imus, Mrs. Jack Swanson, Ron Owens, Michael Krasney, Sedge Thomson, The Red Comedian, (he would want me to use his name), and all those who worked directly with them at the same stations and networks, Bryan Wilson, Rosie Allen, Dunbar, Weygand, Rodgers, Baxter, McGurk, McCord, etc., and the management of these villains, Mr. Jack Swanson, for one, and the others who allowed their licenses to be so misused, to hector and vex, and oppress a man to his death.

From the grave, in the name of justice, in the name of our common humanity, I ask that if you agree that they have used their broadcasting licenses perfidiously, maliciously, unjustly that you take their broadcasting licenses away from them.

I ask that you resell the licenses and give the money to a foundation, The Murdoch-Watts Foundation, for the promotion of health and human decency, justice and wisdom. (To the extent that my death itself may induce others to choose this path a portion should also be devoted to suicide prevention.)

Make Public Broadcasting and ABC and Viacom and the others pay for their wrongful conduct, and in justice devote the money raised to helping humanity. Taking guidance from the writings of Murdoch and Watts I am sure The Foundation’s board of directors will know better than I how the money should be spent. (I recommend that Jack Kornfield and Yvonne, and George Will and William F. Buckley, Jr., jointly decide on the board of directors.)

It is difficult to know what arguments should be made but my time has now run out. I beg for justice.

Note that in life they did not dare contradict me. I have previously offered into evidence the keywords recorded here at this site, but you may also check the logs of domains: NBC and CNBC have visited. The FCC.Gov has visited. By inference the domains from Parsippany New Jersey can be checked against GAB Robins where it is headquartered. (Like Farmers, State Farm, CENCAL, Dean Sodos, Scott Bobro, GAB Robins name appears on the search log.)

In life Michael Weiner, Don Imus, Mrs. Jack Swanson, Ron Owens, Michael Krasney did not challenge one word they read here though they have often made covert references.

They impudently and cowardly hid behind our unjust and twisted society knowing perfectly well that the rich and powerful are safe from justice.

What they have not fully considered is that justice might still be done even after my death. They conceitedly thought that upon my death that they would be safe.

Show them that they are wrong. Show them that justice may still be done.

I pray from the grave for justice.

--- The Colonial Motel Suspect


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