Thursday, July 14, 2005

Hate Radio at New Ruskin College Part II

Lecture Notes: 07-13-05

Oh, well . . . we can not shame them.

Catholic Hutus kill one million Protestant Tutsis but these are not reported as Christian killings . . . we hear nothing about Christian extremists.

No long hysterical haranguing about Christianity, the supposed religion of peace, . . . etc. etc.

The fact that the Hutus were Catholic and their victims Protestant is not even reported let alone used as a way of condemning Christianity.

But you can believe we do hear about how “those Moslems” do not turn in their neighbors, their presumed disloyalty, how they “breed” terrorists is daily, hourly contended by our networked hate radio shills.

I have only a few hundred hours left to live. I have to accept that the world will go on without me . . . I am not responsible for the work left undone.

It is galling though that the very same hypocrites who daily declaim on the dishonesty and lack of courage of “those Moslems” to speak out against “their” terrorist brethren are some of them the very same . . . who know what has been done to me, know about the burglary, the harassment, the oppression, and who have not themselves come forward . . . indeed some of them are themselves in fact my tormenters, these very same sons of bitches, these very same whores, these disgusting pieces of human garbage . . .

But I have to let go. We live in a floating world. Emptiness.

There is no reason . . .

They go on for hours about the Supreme Court, and how “those judges” took private property . . . seizure . . . “from A to B” . . . etc.

Just a series of the most flagrant lies. But have these half pints ever complained about the maze of zoning regulation? For what is exclusionary zoning but a taking? Not once. Never. And note that there is no question of just compensation when a city is down zoned.

They have nothing to say about the mass of regulation on housing, the litigation, the years delay in obtaining building permits. Nothing to say about how school districts are used in combination with zoning by the elite to exclude. Nothing to say about how building codes are similarly used to block innovation, e.g. modular building technology.

Hours of mindless yammering about the patient Schiavo yet not a mention of the CAT scan. Governor Bush will soon order an investigation of Mrs. Kennedy’s delay in reporting the death of the President. And Mrs. Lincoln? How is it she was not harmed? Seems suspicious.

Note that in both Schiavo and Kelo (KELO V. NEW LONDON (04-108) 268 Conn. 1, 843 A. 2d 500, affirmed) hate radio halfwits start out arguing from a pretended moral absolutism. They present the case, at first, (until challenged), as if it were their position that life support (feeding tubes) should never be removed, or that private property should never be taken.

Then upon examination when shown that this claimed “absolute” rule is contradicted by their own conduct, (sometimes they do agree to discontinue treatment in hopeless cases, they do agree that private property can be taken for a public university, but not a private one?, for a public utility but not a private one?), and so on, they back off their idiotic claims of “absolutism.” This reliance on absolutism is not conservatism.

Conservatism is a careful weighing of rights. Unlike liberals we do not automatically assume the rights of 15 homeowners outweigh the rights of the rest of the community. Should one hold out block the rail line, or the power line, or the highway (publicly owned or not)? Nor are we stupidly to favor “public” bureaucracies over private institutions. (Of course when confronted in this manner the gas bags say only, but we have to condemn property for a railroad line or a power line, how else will we be able to build? Not realizing how empty their argument. They claim necessity not realizing that they have just contradicted themselves. It turns out that their “absolute” “moral” position is highly malleable when confronted with “necessity.”) No, this method of argumentation is not Conservatism it is laziness, stupidity, it is Voinovichism.

None of these points interested the media gas bags, but taxes! They will yammer on about their taxes like drunks --- for they are drunk, drunk on their incomes, their power.

And all of this is but proof of the preeminence of the subjective and the ultimate alienation of the narrow intellect, the isolated ego from the world.

For they are mislead by the narrow way they perceive the world, bit by bit, idea by idea, they move by degrees further and further from the path.

Because they have a word Moslem and a word Christian they separate the people. A half degree off course. Then they think that Christian killings are one thing, “tribalism,” or just “foreigners,” or some other explanation, not seeing any of these excuses as pure rationalizations. More degrees off course.

Then their alienation from the Moslems leads them further away, into blind hatred. And then of course there are more rationalizations. Soon they are upon the rocks, and mystified how they came to such a bad end.

The West has been convulsed by wars, civil wars, revolutions, stock piles of weapons to destroy the world, yet the Moslem world is labeled: violent!

These hypocrites and liars refused to secure their cockpit doors, actually refused repeated requests, then are taken by surprise when four of these 50,000 gallon, 600 mph, gas tanks, they have had orbiting their cities is, in exactly the manner foreseen, hijacked and flown into an office block. They are mystified.

San Francisco is down zoned five times in 20 years. Not a word about private property rights. No compensation paid. But the former mayor, (and now Marin Senator Feinstein), bought up all the multi story buildings she could finance. (Would the owners have sold so low if they too knew that the City of San Francisco would continue to down zone?)

However, when the Supreme Court rules that the States are allowed, I will repeat that, “allowed”, to judge for themselves what is and what is not a public use, or public purpose, suddenly there is hysteria. For a hundred years the land was taken from A and sold to B, the railroads, and not so much as a whimper. Taken from A and sold to B, the coal companies, nothing. But from A to an office park, outrage!

For these rich, and all media gas bags are rich, bastards the State’s sovereignty is only theoretical. They really do not want to trust their fellow citizens with real sovereignty. They would leave the States as only toy republics, while holding all real powers in the Federal government where their control is greater, i.e. where their money can purchase control more easily.

Their dishonesty is here fundamental. They are literally blind to the world. They see it only in narrow little slices of rationalizations. The CAT scan reveals the brain is gone, literally gone, but they do not comprehend. Later it is reported that “she was blind.” Wrong! She was not blind. True the part of the brain that processes images was missing, but so was everything else. She was not blind she was gone had been gone for years but they kept her body animated because they can not see what they are doing.

They can turn on the switch and get power to their lights but how the energy was transported, how many ranchers and farmers were required by sovereign authority to sell their property, for just compensation, to allow the power line to transit to the city is all mysterious to them. They find the transportation system agreeable, but how it was built is unknown, they are inheritors not builders.

Then layered over this fundamental blindness of these gas bags, dishonesty. There is the daily dishonesty of their asserting limited egos, their bellies, their wallets. Yes, of course they know about the burglary but if they reported what they know their supervisor, Jack Swanson, would fire them, or he and his powerful friends who control the media would exert their influence to make sure “you never work in this industry again.” So they say nothing.

But this fact, in their minds, has nothing to do with their condemnation of Moslems for their supposed dishonesty . . . that they have concealed crimes, continue to conceal crimes right through the day of my death, that they are themselves liars and hypocrites . . . that is . . . is . . . different in their minds.

And I suspect that the manufactured outrage over the Schiavo and Kelo decisions was just more propaganda serving the interests of the political operatives who hope to influence the next Supreme Court vacancy. The mass manipulation of symbols in bad faith for the purpose of gaining state control and for no other purpose. Fascism. And so we end up again at our starting point for this was exactly the point I made in the Last Letter (see Last Letter at the Moynihan) and which made me the target of Weiner and Owens and then the others who joined in, Krasney, Imus, Mrs. Jack Swanson . . . and on and on . . .

I have to let go. Go on your own way now, bouncing along the stream of life, liars, killers, monsters, and lovers . . . go on . . . and on, and on, lost . . . God bless you too . . .


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