Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Voinovichism at New Ruskin College


From: PlinioDesignori@newruskincollege.com
Reply To: PlinioDesignori@newruskincollege.com
To: Senator Voinovich
Subject: Death at KQED
Date: Sat, 09 July 2005 10:16:35 -0400
CC: senate

Date: 07-08-05

To: Senator Voinovich
U. S. Senate
Washington, D.C.

Note: This is your copy.
Please send Senator Voinovich
a copy his email is not working.

From: Plinio Designori

Subject: I protest Voinovichism

“I have heard what you do to some of your listeners.”
--- Senator Hatch, on the Don Imus radio show.

Dear Senator Voinovich;

Mr. Bolton has given years of his life to the service of this country. Have you ever asked yourself why he spent his time in public service? Do you think he was in it for the money? Do you not think he has made sacrifices for this country?

Why did he spend so much time for us? Do you suppose it was for a bigger bank account? A bigger home? How many minutes of YOUR time did you spare him?

After hearing how he “chased” a woman through the lobby of a Moscow hotel you said, “I have heard enough.” That was twenty minutes of histrionics by Senator Dodd, (who received more contributions from accountants than any other member of the Congress), and you said you had heard enough.

One question. Why did he have to “chase.” Why didn’t the woman, the USAID bureaucrat, stand and talk to Mr. Bolton, as we say ‘man to man?’

Why indeed was he reduced to putting notes under the door of her hotel room? And note that this, just putting written notes under her door, this has been cited as another “offense.”

How about this: Because the woman was a VICTIM. VICTIMS are not expected to stand and answer questions, make arguments, defend their reasons and positions. Why even to expect them to is itself just another imposition and domination.

And further, because the Democrats know that they can count on Voinovich to see her as the VICTIM, they used it to destroy the career of a man who has faithfully served his country for these many years.

The fact that the woman VICTIM is herself a Democrat operative, founder of Housewives against Bush, (note: not FOR Kerry), does in no way diminish her standing as a VICTIM. For it is the controversy itself, the mere fact that she alleges being “chased” (because she would not stand and talk, man to man), the mere fact of controversy, is enough to sink Mr. Bolton’s career.

This is Voinovichism.

For the longest time for over a decade I held on to hope that as more people learned about what Michael Weiner and Don Imus and Mrs. Jack Swanson and Ron Owens and Michael Krasney and Sedge Thomson had done to me, were doing to me, are still doing, I held on to hope that finally, some day justice would be done.

But I did not know how many adherents you had, how powerful your philosophy had become. Had I known I would never have written a word but shot myself straight away.

In a few days I will protest Voinovichism, in front of the KQED building in San Francisco. I will sit on the sidewalk, wait ten minutes, and kill myself by blowing the back of my scull off.

I have written you and your colleagues before. I first wrote you and your colleagues in 1989 about laser disks in education. At that time I was warned by the late Rob Robinson that, like Rosencrans and Guildenstern, I would be destroyed by the powerful people who control the country. “No, this is America!” I bravely said.

Yet time has proven him right and me wrong. Simply writing letters to the Senate has been my downfall. I attracted the attention of those powerful people, and as was predicted, they have over the intervening fifteen years used their influence to destroy me.

Senator Hatch heard what Don Imus had done and he thought it a good joke:

“I have heard what you do to some of your listeners.”
--- Senator Hatch, on the Don Imus radio show.

I have previously reported on all of this at my web site:

I am driven to my death, by years of harassment, and oppression. I could have fled my enemies, changed my name, tried to hide somewhere away from them. But I chose to stay here amongst them. I have deliberately spent down my savings so that I would in the end have no choice but death. I knew that if I had had some way out I would have taken it. I have backed myself into a corner, surrounded by my enemies, to kill myself.

Why? I protest my enemies. I protest your colleague Senator Hatch. I protest you and your Voinovichism: pusillanimity, disloyalty, imbecility.

I wrote some letters to the Senate fifteen years ago and . . . what? . . . Oh, You think I deserve what has happened to me? I must have done something? It must be my fault?

Don’t you see? This is Voinovichism!

Micael Weiner followed me for years, spied on me, organized a burglary, used his influence to interfere with my employment, hectored, harassed and oppressed me ---- but according to Voinovichism, (where there is smoke there must be fire), it must be my fault!

And Weiner, why isn’t he also a VICTIM?

(He used to play the sound of empty box cars rolling over a siding, but tried to conceal his childish grasping at VICTIM status by talking about the forlorn sound as if it were the mighty Edinburgh Express chugging out of Waterloo. More recently he started hysterically shouting that the “Jews were burned alive in the ovens during the Holocaust.” (This being another example of Weiner’s Holocaust denial. For he denies truth.) And then just yesterday he has explained that only survivors of the Holocaust are entitled to use that word: survivor. If you are still living after a plane crash or shipwreck you are not a survivor according to Weiner. And Voinovichism stands in perpetual accord with this and any other insanity shouted out by the VICTIM.)

For we can not expect the VICTIM to reason, to be rational, to merely abide by the truth, to stand up ‘man to man.’ Why sure the VICTIM has to lash out at others that is to be expected. According to Voinovichism we deserve it? Those poor VICTIMS. (Weiner has been agitated by my approaching death and so as expected, he has been returning to wild rants about the Holocaust as self justification for his wrong doing.)

Voinovichism is just this fear of controversy, examination, thought. Just the fact that I and Mr. Bolton have enemies, especially VICTIM enemies, that bare fact, according to Voinovichism is itself proof and confirmation of . . . of what? . . . why, proof and confirmation of controversy itself. In Voinovichism the VICTIM is always in the right; that way it avoids controversy, and can roll over and not be disturbed in its bald slumbers.

Why Don Imus and Michael Weiner and the others harassed me all these years is not the point. Voinovichism is simply the fact that I have been targeted, there must be something wrong. It is not simple minded, for there is no mind there, no thinking at all. Just an empty headed shallowness.

No? Then why did you not contradict your committee chairman Mr. Lugar at the time? He read his answers to all the allegations. But you, you coward, did not dare say a word in reply. Then too, coward, why did you not vote against Mr. Bolton then and there. Too much of a coward to do it! That is the reason. And that too is Voinovichism.

In your world is there nothing that is not Voinovich? Voinovich bank accounts. Voinovich homes. Voinovich children and Voinovich families. Voinovich is hungry. Or Voinovich is sleepy. But that Your President assigned Mr. Bolton to State which is notoriously hostile to Republicans, specifically to confront the State Department Bureaucrats in their lair, that in doing so he might create some “controversy” all of this is mysterious to you, well outside your little solar system with Voinovich at its center, Voinovich planets circling the Voinovich sun. That there should be a whole universe beyond Voinovich, with ideas, and principles, is beyond the comprehension of Voinovichism.

I am sent to my death by cowards, harassed by dogs; yes, cowards and dogs: Voinovichites. I kill myself to protest you and Senator Hatch. I protest your Voinovichism.

cc: Senate



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