Monday, July 11, 2005

Senator Hatch at New Ruskin College

To: Senator Hatch
Su bject: My Death
Date: Fri, 08 July 2005 13:27:37 -0400
CC: Senate

Subject: My death

“We'll all have to trust each other," said U. S. Senator Richard Lugar, R-Ind., the committee chairman.

Dear Senator Hatch;

If you are reading this then I am already dead.

I would guess that you were not shown this email until after the coroner’s inquest. And further I can assume that the only reason you would then be given this email is because the coroner determined that I was in fact hectored and oppressed and driven to my death by the people I have previously reported at my web site:

Therefore, I can assume that you were then given this email because you were one of the people named:

“I have heard what you do to some of your listeners.”
--- Senator Hatch, on the Don Imus radio show.

Not only did you know about what was done to me but you were one of those who joined in; thought it a bit of good fun, to drive a man to his death. And so I suppose that your staff recovered this email and have given it to you because the coroner made it public in San Francisco after I shot myself in the head, sitting on the sidewalk, in front of the KQED building in San Francisco, several months ago.

I have written you and your colleagues before. But my emails never seemed to reach you; there was a connection problem.

I first wrote you and your colleagues in 1989 about laser disks in education. Because I am a conservative I believe that single issue politics is immoral so I also addressed the other issues of the day in order to attract the attention of the readers. But I always sought to return the subject to the importance of technology in education, self paced computer assisted education, and choice in education.

For example I had argued that government monopoly in education had stifled technical innovation in education and that Federal assistance was needed to compensate for this lack of innovation. President Bush (41) commented at the time, “ . . . I have heard that sophisticated argument . . .” when asked about this point at a press conference. (Yet he had no answer.) Then another time your colleague Senator Hollings launched into a tirade about conservatives “goose stepping with David Duke . . . all this talk about innovation in education, innovation in education, what we need is preparation in those northern GHET-tos. (Later when I quoted him back to himself with the appropriate punctuation he commented that “I stepped on that syllable pretty hard.”)

I wrote a great many letters (see the Math Project Archives and the New Ruskin College Project Archives at the Moynihan Memorial Library @ New Ruskin College) but I always tried to avoid repeating arguments. But after many months of letter writing I repeated an argument I had made in an earlier letter. Then U. S. Senator Moynihan appeared on the floor of the Senate two days after posting, (I think Senate mail moves faster than normal mail), and while speaking interrupted himself and said, “ . . . I know I have made this point before, . . . but nothing wrong with that, repetition, repetition, every good school master knows that only through repetition and drill can we hope to get the lesson across . . .”

Once I mailed a long letter on which I had had to hand correct a word on each Senator’s copy to avoid the expense of re doing them. Again a few days later U. S. Senator Moynihan appeared on the floor of the Senate and was reading from typed notes, then stopped, pulled out a pen, leaned forward and paused studying the page, made a correction, and continued speaking, then paused and said, “just a simple correction, . . . nothing wrong with that.” (I loved U. S. Senator Moynihan.)

The last time I heard him speak was at the announcement of Mrs. Billy Clinton’s candidacy. He said, after her run for the primary was announced, “All comers . . . are welcome.” (I thought there might be a message there.)

Forgive me, I have digressed.

I wanted to tell you something. It seemed important when I started. What was it?

I am dead, driven to my death, oh, that’s it. I wanted to tell you about how unjust it all was. The years of harassment. The oppression.

Even though I say I am probably already dead if you are reading this the truth is that in these last few hours before I die this letter is like an appeal for stay of execution. My mind has no dignity. If you think that it is evidence of a lack of resolve you are mistaken. The difference between a suicide and someone who only has thoughts of suicide is that the suicide actually squeezed the trigger. Suicide is an act. And in my case suicide is my protest. I protest my enemies. I protest you.

For example I could have fled my enemies, changed my name, tried to hide somewhere. But I chose to stay here amongst them. I have deliberately spent down my savings. I have engineered this catastrophe. I knew that if I had had some way out I would have taken it. I have backed myself into a corner, surrounded by my enemies, to kill myself.

And yet, if someone took mercy on me and offered me a job I am sure that I would take it and put off my death for another day. So in my mind is the fantasy that someone will in reading this final appeal will relent and help me.

“I have heard what you do to some of your listeners.”
--- Senator Hatch, on the Don Imus radio show.

I know perfectly well that you are yourself one of my enemies. You “heard” how Imus had oppressed me these many years and you not only did nothing to stop him, but you actually encouraged him! Oh, I know this last minute appeal is useless. But that is the point don’t you see? It is an appeal for the record; to show that every avenue has been exhausted. My mind wildly fantasizes about moving away to some place of refuge.

Unemployment is 5%. There are adds for employment. I have 25 years of experience. Yet my applications are not accepted. My phone does not ring. Black balled. Shut out. (Michael Krasney and the former Mrs. Dr. Dean Edel at AAA. Mrs. Jack Swanson at CENCAL. Don Imus at State Farm, (Mengus), and GAB Robins. Ron Owens (at several places) and with Michael Weiner at Farmers with Scott Bobro and Dean Sotos. The IRS at Crawford and Company.) I want to prove to myself that it is utterly hopeless, that there is no chance, there is nothing else that can be done.

I watch as the months have turned to weeks, then days, and now only hours are left. I do not dare count them. Are there 1,000 hours? No, less, I don’t want to know. When the day comes I will go over to the KQED building, sit down, wait ten minutes, and then blow the back of my head off, a little fountain of blood.

I want to live, but I choose to die, in protest of Senator Hatch and his “I have heard what you do to some of your listeners.” When you said that to Imus did you think about what he did? Did you think about how what he did destroyed another man’s life? Did you care?

It was one thing to be surrounded by my enemies here . . . but you are a Senator. If justice means nothing to you, the law, honor; if you think it a good joke . . . don’t you see that?

. . . But all that is in the past now.

I am dead. I protest Senator Hatch.

cc: Senate


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