Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Srebrenica at New Ruskin College

Lecture Notes: 07-11-05


Do you recall how moving, how prophetic Don Imus was in the months leading up to the massacre at Srebrenica? Remember? Day after day one man and his microphone as he used all his powers of persuasion to get the Clinton administration to move. And Michael Weiner? Remember how he rallied the nation?


That is because it never happened. Neither of them cared.

I remember seeing Yvonne (I had gone back to seeing her after the Last Letter) and telling her what a disgrace the Clintons were. Recall that at first they had claimed they could do nothing because they did not want to interfere with the Russian election. “But now the Russian elections have come and gone,” I said, almost shouting, “and still they do nothing!”

That was a day after a rocket exploded in a market killing 75 people.

No, Don Imus and Michael Weiner did not care about the people of Srebrenica. Surprise!

For the next ten years these two would harasse me from job to job, place to place. Burglary. Electronic eavesdropping. Vandalism. Sabotage. Public humiliation. Oppression for me.

But nothing for Srebrenica. (Later during the idiotic Kosovo campaign, (Clinton would not allow ground troops so the killing continued for months), Weiner championed the cause of the killers, the Serbs, such is his hatred for the Moslems. (The VICTIM rejoiced in the killing of the innocent. (And what is this but another denial of the Holocaust?)))

And Sedge Thomson and the Red Comedian? All these creeps who worked so hard to torment and oppress me? Do you think these Post Liberals at KQED pushed the Clintons to do something about Srebrenica?


They did their best to destroy me, but they did not themselves have anything to offer. No recommendations. No insights. No thoughts at all.

Nothing to say about the first World Trade Center attack.

Nothing to say about the attempted assassination of Mr. Bush.

Nothing to say about Srebrenica. Nor would they have anything to say about Kosovo, or Somalia, or Rwanda, . . . or Iraq . . .

But do you not believe that they feel morally superior? Of course they do. They let a million die, be hacked to death in Rwanda, just as they let them die in Srebrenica . . . but hey, they are liberals, of course they feel morally superior.

And Weiner? He is a VICTIM it goes without saying that he is morally superior no matter what he does.

And Imus? Yes of course, the egotist, never a moments doubt because never a moments thought, never a moment of reflection . . . Imus, Imus, Imus is the only thought in his soulless emptiness.

Ironically Ron Owens did support the action in Kosovo, from the air, at 30,000 feet, of course. Many callers called to complain. One caller kept saying “you are a warmonger, you are a warmonger, you are a warmonger . . .;” this is what passes for discussion of the “issues” in the Bay Area. They are liberals so they are not expected to argue, reason, persuade.

Finally after another round of “you are a warmonger” Owens hung up the phone and said, “What next, the anti-Semites?” See? Ron Owens is a VICTIM. His grand parents were killed in the Holocaust so anyone who disagrees with him is an anti-Semite, or very nearly.

A lot of American families lost family members in World War II but they are only victims of the war, they are not VICTIMS in Owens’ or Weiner’s eyes.

And the people of Srebrenica? I mean the survivors? According to Michael Weiner “only the survivors of the Holocaust can be called survivors.” See? No? Because only those survivors are VICTIMS.

Ten years on the survivors of Srebrenica are still only Moslems they do not count they can not be VICTIMS.

And for Imus they do not count because they do not summer in the Hamptons, they do not negotiate his next contract, they do not even select the items for page six; they are nobodies.

Imus, Weiner, Thomson, the Red Comedian, Ron Owens, and the Post Liberal Bay Area, the egotistical, selfish, . . . these are the people who have harassed and oppressed me, driven me to my death.

I go to join the people of Srebrenica, Rwanda, Iraq who were abandoned to their graves by the Post Liberals. The lefties continue to report the terror strikes in London and Iraq as if they were the result of Mr. Bush’s policy and not the result of their own decades of selfishness and cowardice.

The Iraqis have now been saved from their oppression no thanks to Imus or Weiner or the Post Liberals.
The hysteric Weiner and the egotist Imus and the Post Liberal Bay Area would have abandoned them too, but they have been saved. (Of course the cowardly and hysterical Imus and Weiner are all for cutting and running. Cowards!)

But the people of Iraq have been saved from their oppression no thanks to the egotists and cowards and hysterics. Good for them. I do not begrudge them their good fortune. God Bless them.


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