Thursday, July 21, 2005

Protest at New Ruskin College

Lecture Notes: 07-18-05 Protest

Suicide can be funny! You think?

At least Al Franken thinks suicide is funny. Today he began his show with a skit of a character putting a gun to his head and killing himself on air. Franken after the gun shot asks, “What is this? . . . brain matter?” See? Brain matter! Oi! That’s funny! What a funny guy.

KQED staff has also started joking about “bullet proof glass” at their studio.

Several months ago Imus and Mrs. Jack Swanson, Beck, McGurk, also tried joking about suicide.

Previously I advised them that they were only confusing their audience. (Lecture Notes: 03-07-05 Suicide Club, Lecture Notes: 03-04-05 Landmines of Injustice?)

In fact Imus’ ratings have declined and some have suggested that he has seemed “distracted”. It is difficult to see how Beck’s ratings could go much lower. (And his vomiting into a trash can sound effect just does not seem to be working for him. His ridicule of convenience market clerks hasn’t worked either.)

You see the problem is, Al, that most listeners are not in on the “inside joke.” They don’t get the joke. They don’t think suicide is funny. See?

Most listeners think suicide is a serious problem: “Specifically, 10.6 out of every 100,000 persons died by suicide. The total number of suicides was 29,350, or 1.2 percent of all deaths. Suicide deaths outnumber homicide deaths by five to three. It has been estimated that there may be from 8 to 25 attempted suicides per every suicide death.” (see

And Al don’t try auto accident fatality humor either. Most listeners think that auto accident deaths also are a serious issue where 42,443 are killed each year. (see
Auto Accidents (I have previously explained how government control of our highways and roads has retarded development of electronic traffic controls. Tens of thousands die needlessly because government bureaucrats have not applied digital electronic technology to traffic controls.))

Most listeners think murder is a serious problem, however the number of people murdered each year, 16,889, is a little more than half the number of suicides every year. ( see
Murder) So Al, see, murder is less than half as funny as suicide. (Or is murder twice as funny as suicide? How does one calculate humor?) In other words it is more likely that I will be killed by suicide than an employee of KQED will be killed by murder. Or put differently, I am at greater risk than are they. (However because they are VICTIMs and I am just one of their victims my death will count for less than their fear.)

When Senator McCain went on the Imus show and made a reference to this web site he did so because, he also wanted me to know he took no account of my suicide. (see 4-28-05, Lecture Notes: 5-18-05) Nothing like having been a P.O.W. to give one a sense of entitlement, (“who has suffered more than me?!”), but even McCain would not think of joking about the plight of Blacks, or Women, or . . . any of the socially approved victims, the VICTIMS; for, ironically, even though he is a P.O.W. survivor, suffering due to military service counts for little in determining VICTIM status with the other contending VICTIMs.

So when I kill myself in front of the KQED building I will be protesting those who have harassed me these last fifteen years, and also in part my protest will be of Al Franken and his fellow gas bags in the media. And I will be protesting Senator McCain also.

And no, Al, I do not suppose that you or Weiner, Imus, or Owens, or any of them, and not Senator McCain either, will be changed by my death. Or rather if you will be changed is unknowable. Probably the same inflated egos which carry you and the others through your lives will continue to carry you over my bleeding corpse.

You are all thickly wadded with your ignorance. And therefore you will be protected. Or perhaps you will be driven insane. It is unknowable.

I protest you.

I have noticed how often Al makes reference to his Jewishness, or his loving wife and children, or to his two houses, i.e. to qualities of his person or being or status when he should be making his arguments. When he should be presenting his facts and reasons in support of his positions he is describing how he is loved by his wife, or his children, growing up in Minnesota, what he did last weekend, etc.

Then I realized that in the absence of reason how else are disputes to be resolved but by such qualities? If you have given up on rational argument then what else is to be done, how else to proceed but by comparing status? Since you have no rational basis upon which to persuade, the best that can be done is to assure your audience that you are a kind Jew, a loving father and husband, etc. etc. and hope that these qualities will win the audience to your side, due to admiration if not reason.

Who is the bigger VICTIM? Or, and this is apparently less convincing, who has the most or best things? Ron Owens once concluded an argument with Bernie Ward by pointing out that he, Ron Owens, had bigger ratings. That sealed the debate.

In the Bay Area arguments will begin with, “As a Jew . . .” or “As an African-American Female, I . . .” or “As a Gay, I think . . .” and so forth, with the debater apparently unaware that nothing logically follows from these opening statements. I have even heard the preamble, “As someone who has meditated every day for the last 30 years . . .” But again, without reason, how else to proceed?

Like military officers comparing records to establish seniority, the gay African-American with AIDS must be compared to his opponent not based on the arguments and facts he can marshal but on the quality of his being, his VICTIM status, and VICTIM ribbons have even been added to the VICTIM’s lapel in the military manner of campaign ribbons.

So just now Al Franken is introducing Hertzberg “ ‘the Jew’ from the New Yorker” to his audience in the complete confidence that his winning manner will propel is show into the next ratings book, which is all that counts, right? Because we are not going to judge Franken or Hertzberg on the merits of their facts and arguments right? This is only partisan radio. If you do not already agree --- then to hell with you . . . you . . . you NAZI bastard!

But do not try to reason with them.

Twelve years after I first urged the nation to overthrow Saddam Hussein, America finally did so in the Second Gulf War. Do you suppose that Franken and Imus and Weiner and McCain now say, ‘Gee, he was right about that . . .’? No.

After the death of Freda Wright-Sorce do you suppose that her husband, radio personality, Don Geronimo, will reflect on how advanced electronic traffic controls could have saved his wife’s life? No.

(The death occurred after a ten car pile up in the opposite direction. The eleventh car swerved into Freda’s lane. Had the cars been equipped with a twenty five dollar transponder, connected to the car’s sensors, red lights and audible warnings could have sounded in all the cars on the road (or even if in only 50% of them, the newer ones): “Warning, Warning, slow down! Slow Down!, There is an accident ahead.”

This warning could have been sounded after the first car in the chain reaction accident. The cars would have slowed and Freda Wright-Sorce would be alive. But none of these things happened because the government bureaucrats who run our roads are not paid to introduce safety electronics on our highways. So every year hundreds of thousands are injured 43,000 killed, year after year, and nothing is done even though the means are at hand and have been for 30 years.)

After the 9-11 attack did heads role at the FAA? No. Not withstanding the fact that the FAA had been specifically warned of the risk. And then, in March 2004, foreign jet liners were still flying US skies with the cockpit door open. And this was not corrected by the FAA, but rather only a passenger’s complaint made the FAA issue the order to foreign air lines to close the cockpit door.

Just now Franken has said to Pete Peterson, “I don’t know what that means.” Mr. Peterson had just suggested we establish “forced savings accounts” as an add on to Social Security. “Forced Savings Accounts”, this is a mysterious idea to the Harvard graduate Al Franken. He has been going on the air for over a year, has been putting out his idiotic ideas, (e.g. we will cash in the bonds to pay Social Security), and he has difficulty with the idea of forced savings accounts.

And it just goes on and on in big issues and small. $8 trillion national deficit. $35 trillion Medicare deficit. $11 trillion Social Security deficit. No one cares. Make us care. We do not care. We do not care about your suicide either. OK, then I guess that means you win!

The average home in California requires an income five times higher than the average income and yet this stark statistic seems to be unknown. ( I hear on air personalities talking about real estate as if they were barkers for a carnival game. They too, let it be known that they are the proud owners of one or more homes. Their whole real estate history is discussed. But that there are social, political, may I say moral? issues? goes un-remarked.

So when I put the muzzle in my mouth and squeeze the trigger part of my protest will be against the housing policies, the FAA, the budget, the absence of traffic safety electronics, nuclear power reactors, modular construction, laser disks, . . . you . . . and your uncaring.

In Judgment Day I related how after watching the twin towers fall I went into the office and told the claims supervisor, Dean Sotos what I had just watched. “Was it an accident?” was the reply. When I explained that the Pentagon was on fire from a third plane he said, “Well, they will figure out what happened.”

Who is they? The masters, the owners of the Republic. You have put these little men in charge. From top to bottom. Are you serious?

Do you suppose that the man who had so little comprehension of the destruction of the World Trade Center and the Pentagon does a better job understanding auto accidents? You think he missed the big issue but he does better on the small?

Believe me he does not.

I will kill myself in a few days. I now know that if I had a job I would not. I would try and make a go of it again as I have all these years.

I have held out, and held out, hope against hope and now I have come to the end.

And the desperate thing is that I know . . . I know that there are jobs available. There is work that needs to be done. House fires. Auto accidents. Etc. etc.

To know that they are there that I could be working only confirms me in my decision to end my life now. is a regular visitor to this site.

They check in every now and then to see if I am still alive. Dean Sotos or Scott Bobro I do not know. The irony that these two should be employed seems a joke . . . but you are serious?

It does not matter. Al Franken or Michael Weiner. McCain. Imus . . .

What the difference?

When I see all the mistakes you are making. Mistakes that cost you sometimes more dearly than they have cost me . . . I have gained this little perspective on you . . . not forgiveness so much as understanding.

There is a Buddhist expression, “one continuous mistake.” Like a tear in a scroll, that races along . . . one continuous mistake.

That is life.

I do not protest the tear.

I protest your misunderstanding.

I die to show you, Al Franken, Michael Weiner, all of you, . . . you have focused on me, targeted me, thought of new ways to get at me, at work at Farmers Insurance, break into my room and steal my notebook then read it on air, and today . . . a new comedy skit . . .

I protest this mistaken notion of yours.

All around you the real work that needs doing, the transponders mounted on the dash, the laser disks, the houses . . . you have been fixated on me instead of the work that needs to be done . . . this is my protest . . . I protest your mistaken understanding.


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